Mam do sprzedania zestawy Playmobil. Bawiono sie nimi niewiele, sa w idealnym stanie, kompletne, czesci pogrupowane w indywidualne woreczki. Zestawy zebralam do sprzedazy tematycznie. Ponizej lista wraz z cena oraz numerem zestawu. Zdjecia przesle na zyczenie.
Kontakt: ikhvmb@yahoo.com
Farm 65€
4055 Farm Mega-Set
4142My Take Along Farm
4191 Equestrienne
4491 Rabbit Pen
4497 Farm Tractor
Vacation 45€
4140 Small swimming-pool
4144 Family car with boat on trailer
4467Mother with child and pull kart
4698 Little boy on mini-bike
4862 Family in speedboat
5113 Chopper motor bike
5116 Race motor bike
5118 Custom motor bike
School gym 30€
4325 School gym hall
4723 Footballer Croatia
4731 Footballer Poland
4735 Footballer Holland
4893 Sinterklaas & Zwarte Piet
4921 Children's doctor (in Easter egg)
5199Weight lifter
House 25€
4285Modern house – bathroom
4286Modern house – baby-room
4655 Plumber
4664 Child's puppet theater
4697 Baby stroller
5319 Classic house – grandparents room
Xmas / Various 15€
4155 Father Xmas and animals winter scene
4330Micro set castle
4670 Crusader
4680 Boy with snowman
Jesli ktos kolekcjonuje Playmobil, mam rowniez zestawy Vintage z 1970 roku. Lista ponizej:
Construction 25€
3203 Construction Truck
3205 Sewage Works
3207 Construction Trailer and Cement Mixer
3219 ADAC car (German automobile club)
3311 Carpenter
3312 Bricklayer
3400 Construction worker set
? Traffic sign set
Cowboys & Indians 10€
3242 Cowboy and horse
3342 US Cavalry
3406 Indian village
Knights 5€
3291 City soldiers
3369 Farmer with wheelbarrow
3370 Blacksmith