Nie kradnij WiFi
: 26-02-2007, 19:51
Jednego klienta zapuszkowali jak korzystal z cudzego WiFi siedzac w zaparkowanym samochodzie 
"Surfer Arrested in Mondorf
A vigilant resident in Mondorf-les-Bains was suspicious of a French-registered car and its occupant which was parked on a s street in the town on Friday evening.
The police arrived and established that the occpant of the car was using his laptop computer and wi-fi card to access the Internet through an unsecured wi-fi network from a residential building in the town."

"Surfer Arrested in Mondorf
A vigilant resident in Mondorf-les-Bains was suspicious of a French-registered car and its occupant which was parked on a s street in the town on Friday evening.
The police arrived and established that the occpant of the car was using his laptop computer and wi-fi card to access the Internet through an unsecured wi-fi network from a residential building in the town."